
Welcome to the People’s Republic

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We hope you will find the project interesting…

You are welcome to copy and share any of our manifestos and propaganda under a ‘No Disclaimer’ license – ie you must ‘dare to share’ without claiming someone else – in this case us – wrote it.

If you would like to write, draw or record something for the People’s Republic of G on these terms just upload it with your comment and we’ll consider it, and then either publish or delete it. Nothing directly attributed to any living person or organisation will be included on principle, though you may quote from material in the public domain. The editor’s decision is final.

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If you break these terms we will not be responsible.
You are welcome to follow this blog without comment. We follow a lot of blogs because we don’t like them.

We are inspired by Private Eye, Mad Magazine, Oz and anything iconoclastic, especially as Christmas is coming.
We are interested in logical arguments, however absurd. We are particulary interested in ideas about collectivity, democracy, free speech and creativity, not necessarily in that order.

We reserve the right to cause offence but not to spread hate.
With this in mind – no one is sacred!



The actual borough of Greenwich has been through a few changes over the last 50 years, which is as far back as we can remember, and even a name change! Its administration has remained overwhelmingly mainstream Labour however – we don’t even have any nice greens on the council. A few names there have come and gone, some Labour members have stuck their heads out, some Tories too, and even the odd Lib Dem. There have been some warm debates behind the scenes, and even in the press, but so far this hasn’t made much difference in the wider scheme of things.

Lots of nice people do good things in the community. Independent journalism uncovers interesting things. Strings are pulled, concessions are made and we make do as best we can. But in the spirit of progress, heads must roll!


The People’s Republic is dead. Long live the People’s Republic!



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